
Review on movie + RPG
Monday, October 3, 2005

My cousins and siblings were in town last weekend. We're all fans of "Firefly" together, and saw the movie last weekend as well as played the new RPG for Firefly they got.
The movie was really awesome, like 20 episodes, crammed into 2 hours in a way. It was action packed and stayed true to the storyline and characters. Only small gripes would be not enough of Shepherd book, (He pretty much dies when you see him, and he was one of the main original crew after all), and the intro of the sorta gay Mr. Universe guy and having them bury him next to walsh and book. Walsh's death is prolly controversial among the fans, but personally I think it was necessary. Walsh is one of the real cool characters yea, but his story was more or less done and the movie needed some form of realism in it, when somehow every crew member makes it out alive, you tend to doubt the story.
The RPG they have out is very vague, and hard to learn. It's cool and all, and they use a lot of the language in it and story recognition points, however it took us like 8-10 actual hours to figure out rules make custom characters and 4 hours of it alone on making this huge ass custom ship. We only ended up playing 3-4 hours and like I said it was kinda hard cause the rules and guidelines were so vague, it also doesn't offer much in the way of a very clear map of the various planets, which is something you'd want, since you'd want to be traveling the various places you'd heard in the movie: Like Canton, and Three moons and such. Clearification on where the planets are from eachother as well as the other planets, is not that good cause they give you a flat 2-d map, for what is a 4-d space, and not much of a key, and no scale. Otherwise it's sorta fun, we might try playing it again later.



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2005 October