
Eye Doctor
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Apparently it is a day for appointments, or routine maintence as I like to call it. I always feel like the proverbial blind bat when I go to the optometrist. They take your contacts (well, technically I take them out) and lead you into this dark room and stick your face on this huge machine. Then the endless rounds of "is this one clearer (click) or this one (click.)" It's an exercise in patience! At some point you want to scream, "I don't care which one is clearer, just get me the gorram outta here!" So back on Monday for a recheck and then 12 boxes of shiny new contacts for the year. I have to keep my eyes in top shape to watch my DVDs.

Be well!


Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:38 AM


I hate the eye doctor's too. Especially since they never seem to get my 'scrip just right. I have to go back in soon for a recheck because my left contact 'scrip is already shot (And I just got it done before x-mas too)

You just feel like kicking the doc sometimes don't you? I sure do... course that goes for the regular doc and the dentist as well... I just like kicking people...

Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:33 PM


I know. See below quote. "Too much? What? You're sure?" And it goes on and on with the doctor.

Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:27 PM


my opinion--there is NEVER to much reading :) well, until your eyes bleed-then you might consider taking a nap

Eye-doc visits are always bad for me too--I have a history of glaucoma in my family so I always get the SUPER FUN "sit here and let's blow a big jet of air in your eye" test

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:20 PM


I might have to get glasses. I've been here and reading too much. But my point of view is that "Too much? Is there such a thing? Really."


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