
Drunk strippers = Bad strippers.
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sorry guys, this post has nothing to do with Firefly/Joss Whedon/Serenity.

It's me ranting. About drunk strippers.


I work for 13 hours on Saturdays, from 9am to 10pm, it's a long day, especially today 'cause I was tired.

I work in a porn store/strip club/adult cinema. I'm the 2ic... aka... the weekend/night manager of sorts. Being a girl, I'm used to skeezy guys off the street who think they can ask me for all sorts of 'favours', (because I do nothing but sit there all day and dream about greasy men off the street... mmm hmmm. It's my life long fantasy come true), wanting to know what a 'girl like you is doing in a place like this' (because I'm a raving nymphomaniac and cannot stay away from the porn industry for ten minutes, dumbass, it certainly isn't because they... I don't know.. PAY ME MONEY or anything).

What I did not need was the stripper drinking herself into a hysterical mental effing breakdown and locking herself in the peep room and hijacking the intercom so that she can call the customers all sorts of choice obscenities (Think f***ing crinkled runts, without all those pesky middle letters) before I can override it. So then we had to get her boyfriend in to try and talk her out of the room.

All in the last hour before close. Which meant I couldn't get in the peep room to empty the money, which meant I couldn't count the money, which meant I couldn't make up the girls' pays, which meant I couldn't enter in any of the End Of Day data into the computer, which meant I couldn't do the End Of Day paperwork, which meant I couldn't CLOSE THE SHOP.

I wasn't in the mood for extra work, because I DON'T GET OVERTIME, dammit, and I'd been there all FREAKING DAY.

Am I insensitive for being peeved at this? Should I be more understanding, or am I right in thinking "don't bring alcohol to your workplace" even if you are a stripper?


Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:02 AM


Okay, I'm hard nosed bitca:
#1. I would tell the stripper that if this ever happens again you're calling the police instead of her boyfriend and she can have a police record for all you care.
#2. If your boss is paying you an hourly wage then he HAS to pay over-time, unless he wants to either:
a.) come in and do the over-time work himself.
b.) make you a salaried management at a much higher wage.
c.) get reported to the Federal Dept of Labor, if you are paid an hourly wage, and work 40 hrs per week, then you are entitled to over-time for anything above that: http://library.findlaw.com/1999/Jul/1/128280.html
(I know, people don't want to lose their job over stuff like this...but seems to me that your 'boss' depends on you a lot and wouldn't be so keen on losing you).

Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:04 AM


Wow, sorry, but I found that f**kn' hi-larious. Hope today goes better.

My wife adds: "That would make a great scene in a movie!"

So, perhaps inbetween dreaming about those greasy guys coming in, you could find time to write a screen play ;)

Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:03 PM


"at least you can make yours into a gripping anecdote to dine out on (that is the phrase but I've never quite understood it. Do you tell it to the waiter when he brings you the bill for a free meal?)"

"Dining out on it" means the story is so great people will take you to dinner for the opportunity to hear it.

Sorry, the waiter doesn't get to hear it, he's got work to do.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 5:49 PM


I thought Skeezy was a word.

I know i've used it..it's great!

hope tomorrow is better.
*sends good thoughts for a better day at work*

Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:04 AM


Mmmm, skeezy meaning something that is both skanky and sleezy I presume. Excellent.

Yeah, you got the fuzzy end of the lollipop yesterday no doubt. But we all have our difficulties with our co-workers, at least you can make yours into a gripping anecdote to dine out on (that is the phrase but I've never quite understood it. Do you tell it to the waiter when he brings you the bill for a free meal?)

Hope today is better for you.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 7:47 AM


Wow, not only do I love the sarcasm in this, but I love the almost Kevin Smith-esque vision I had of the obscenities over the PA system!

And skeezy should totally be a word!

Saturday, August 27, 2005 7:07 AM


Oh no, I meant skeezy. It's a word... at least, I use it as a word. So, it's a word in my world.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:27 AM


Sorry about the overtime, but I gotta tell you--

Your day was MUCH more interesting than mine!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:25 AM


lol . . . I know what happened pissed you off, and it would have torqued the heck out of me. However, hearing about it second hand made it really funny.
I agree with you that no matter whet your job is, you shouldn't drink while working.
Oh! And I love your word, "Skeezy". I don't know is you were meaning sleezy, and made a typo, but I like Skeezy much better.


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