
It's Enough. 8-26-05
Friday, August 26, 2005

So I've decided to jump into this blogging world. Not really sure what I'll write. But I guess I just need to. There's a side of me that must give expression, and must be appreciated or criticized, nonetheless. So here I am.

It's a deeper frustration
a wholing of parts that are better left unacknowledged
or undefined. Nonetheless, they are never surface, never vivid
never bright & shining with glorious trophies to abound or be abounding.
They are deeper, They are reserved. They are a buried treasure that holds no wealth until they are run through by appreciative hands & sparkling eyes.

A poetic musing, a fleeting thought that takes shape in a ramble of words that don't rhyme and flow in melancholy cascades & drip dripping deliberation.

For many it would be but a saddened attempt for attention. So dismiss it as such. But it hungers to be written, to be scrawled and scribbled. To be shouted & screamed & pierce the ears of those who would look upon them.

There is no method, and it's madness is it's art, it's enduring faith & place.

Yes, I the brave & foolish. The brash & unrefined, who walks in conservative hallways while wearing my darkened cloak beneath the my plain face & voice.

And I who have the sense or lack of it to call myself a poet, to the face in my own foggy mirror. But still the words the images the etchings and all that is within makes it's way in undenied impulses to my fingertips, and the poetic garble continues.

Like a trashing heap, that I must admire, that I must embrace, for it is a part a deeper part of me.

And I pull the curtain back and wait in quiet.

Remember I'm new at this...

So I realized that I couldn't just put down one thought for the day. My thoughts could be multiple, so I'm gonna reconfigure these a bit.


I have a patience
a thin & spidery silken thread
coiled to hold, to bend & to stretch
but be forewarned there is a breaking
a snap & unravelling that in it's wake leaves halved people

push me & drive into my corner
Yes, that's right my corner
my safe'd place, my sanctuary & my hold
Yes, I built it, I won't deny it.
But you backed me into it.
Sure I failed to build a trap door
& I berate myself for not constructing a window to see the outiside world

But again I say you have pushed me into it
I built it to protect me but it will never shield you
taste the bitter in the breaking the bloody snap and the
maniacal echo of my delight as I choose not to be your verbal dart board anymore.

Thank God It's lunch time.


Has anybody seen my Friday? I lost it somewhere between 8:00 & 11:30.

So I'm not sure, should I post each of these seperately or all at once?

Yes, as a matter of fact it does say "Captain Indecisive" on my uniform.

Wow. You just can't delete these things once they're up can you. Oh well. Lesson learned. Didn't mean to hog the blog wall.


Friday, August 26, 2005 9:33 AM


um, not a she, but I get that alot.

and no, it's not bad.

Friday, August 26, 2005 5:36 AM


wow. you've got a lovely way with words...i look forward to more posts.


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