
When Aticipation leaves you feel kinda bereft ... (*very tiny spoiler of sorts*)
Thursday, August 25, 2005

So it’s done. The anticipation can no longer bug me. I’ve seen it … And now I kinda miss it … looking forward to something is possibly the most fun you can have with your clothes on … no, wait! That’s the BDM!!!

What did I think?

No real spoilers, but I ain’t kidding, it rocks!!


2 things that niggle if I’m bein’ ultra critical …

(1) How did they all get so thin?? I liked ‘em all better fat!
(2) Where the hell was Serenity? I missed her a bit (especially the kitchen) …

But on the whole OHMIGOSH and Joss and Summer were there after which rocked above all else (Joss has lost a lot of weight too, but it looks good on him, I thought) … And, besides the question on sex with robots, the Q&A afterwards was very enlightening …

I thought I’d be able to tell from watching it what someone who’s never seen the series would think, but, as it turns out, I have no clue. I just couldn’t divorce myself from it to that extent, but I hope it is still watchable …

SO now the anticipation builds once more for October when I can see the gorram thing all over again!!


Friday, August 26, 2005 4:43 AM


I don't think I can wait another month before seeing it again.

It was just too damn good.

And yeah, they all got so thin (I knew people had said that, but I didn't think it would be to such an extent... sheesh) 'cause of the food being so scarce. That's what I say.

Serenity rocks and Joss is GOD. What else is there to say?

Friday, August 26, 2005 12:04 AM


I like to think they're all so thin because they've not been able to eat much due to jobs going wrong. Adds an extra element of tension.

And yeah, it's a good thing to have a big delay between watching it and being able to watch it again.


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