
newbie on site
Friday, August 12, 2005

this my first time be gentle with me...
ok its already 4:05 am and i have had the most amazing sugar rush; some kind of strawberry meringue thingie with a chocolate sauce... anyway dithering done
firefly so genius and this site-10/10!!
am awaiting serenity very impatiently, have managed to convert more people by incessantly reciting dialogue and action. have lent firefly dvd set to more than 4 friends so far and overhead them humming that spectacular song.
how many newbies are out there?
how many newbies are there who cant get on the net?
am i making any sense?


Sunday, August 14, 2005 7:26 PM


hello im back-duh!
enjoying the welcome fffans are just so friendly! I just checked out the serpertine comment? Who knew I named myself after a Gods bit on the ive read! Theres me thinking Id just named myself after... actually let me be all mysterious for a while

Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:19 AM


Welcome Lamiasong! Nice to meet you. I love seeing new fans!

Saturday, August 13, 2005 4:30 AM


Welcome welcome.
All of us were newbies once, so we know where you are. And we're glad you're here.
I've never tried acting out scenes before. Hmm..may have to give that a try one day.

Friday, August 12, 2005 11:26 PM


Welcome aboard! We're friendly and a mite crazy.

Wow. It is early in the morning, isn't it? I think I'll enjoy this pudding.

Look around. Have fun!

Friday, August 12, 2005 6:41 PM


Thank you for the welcome.

The fact that I have actually figured out how to "post" stuff is quite amazing and to my family shows just how obssessed I've become! I've been a Browncoat for about three days now and huh. its confusing. there is just so much to look at and do...
i'm on the lookout for some good quality merchandise that screams Serenity/Firefly the best is yet to come so any ideas- i'm awaiting.

Non related subject:Also im a big fan of NIGHTWORLD by ljSmith so any followers of the 2 rules in this not so secret organization, drop me a line.

Honoured to have found this place but now off to beddie byes

Friday, August 12, 2005 5:56 PM


Welcome Lamiasong!
We are getting more newbies all the time, the comic books and reruns of the original TV episodes are helping the to build the fan base.
I am glad you found this great site, I know you'll enjoy it.
Have you been to the Official Board the Universal put up (there is a link at the home page of this site).


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2005 August