
Firefly: The Board Game - New Cards and Update >IMAGES<
Sunday, February 8, 2004

For anyone who missed the thread in General discussions - a board game based on Firefly...


Crew Cards:

Shiny Cards:

The lower decks gameboard

I'm afraid I wasn't able to finish off all of the crew status boards and tale cards, so I regret that I've missed my own self-imposed deadline. In penance, I present some samples of the more recently finished crew cards:

and one of my favourite Shiny cards...

...here is a rough version of the crew status card:

The images are downsized for reasonable viewing of course - the final printable versions will be 300dpi.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish tale cards and the remainder of the status cards shortly. It's taking longer than I thought, but I'm also finding out along the way that I'm being inspired to do better by the fine original production values... and I'm hoping that I do them justice.

More soon,



Tuesday, February 10, 2004 5:32 PM


Great looking game!

It's great to see such a strong fan base for Firefly. I love the idea of a Monopoly game based on it. I'd love to be able to download what CSteinme does for that so I can play it with my fellow Firefly friends at home.

I'm working on playing a RPG based on the Firefly setting using the BTVS RPG rules. Since there were certain Qualities/Drawbacks missing, I had to make some new ones as well as make rules and information available on everything in the 'Verse. I have 30 pages of notes including pictures and quotes frm the show mixed in to give it the feel of Joss Whedon's 'verse. I'm really excited to begin playing it for the first Playtest this weekend! I have four players and each will play a member of Serenity's crew. If it goes well, I plan to run it once a month. if there's any interest, hopefully I can make copies available to others.

-Brown Coat Cephas

Monday, February 9, 2004 10:15 AM


I believe that it would be illegal under copyright rules for me to sell these... the legality of using the images in the first place is somewhat murky, I think.

No, when I finish the game, I plan to post it to a website where it can be downloaded as printable PDF files - free distribution as long as the files remain credited to me and the other people who have contributed to the game's design and art. Hopefully, if enough people are interested, I'll be able to put the files (which promise to be rather large) somewhere where there is a lot of bandwidth. As it stands, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to put on my webspace at my ISP's web-site. Perhaps some generous soul will be able to provide a mirror location.

Your only costs will be the necessity to print the cards onto cardstock and mount the gameboards on heavy board.

Most of the other components can usually be found in gamer's houses... but glass beads in various colours can also be found at home decoration stores.

Monday, February 9, 2004 9:57 AM


Supremely shiny Kozure. You gonna sell these?

Monday, February 9, 2004 5:22 AM


Wow! These are great! I've been working on a Firefly Monopoly Game. You've inspired me to get a move on it and post the results. Keep it coming. :)


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