
DragonCon Fan Table Final Meeting and Important Info
Monday, August 8, 2005

The final SEBC DragonCon Prep meeting will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 2:00pm. It will be held in the Marriott Marquis – lower lobby level, the one where the fan table will be. For those unfamiliar – come in the front door of the Marriott, go down the escalators immediately in front of the concierge desk and look for us. If there is a convention going on we’ll find a corner somewhere out of everyone’s way.

The setup on Friday for the booth is not going to require a lot of people. Luckily we have a very portable, professional setup that can easily be put up by 2-3 people (Thanks Rich!). However, we will of course need people to help man the booth during the duration of the con. Please check the website http://www.southeasternbrowncoats.org to sign up and send in your info to help out. If you are unable to sign up for a particular timeslot please stop by the table and we will happily put you to work!

On Friday, the Shindig is scheduled from 10pm to 1am. We will need people to help setup as we only have about 20 minutes or so to setup after the last panel that is held in the room. We need a few teams with an organizer for each of the following:

Chairs – Lead: CL_Techie (Parson)
csteinisme (Carla), Serenity’s Dad (Tim) NEED ONE MORE VOLUNTEER.
They will stack and remove the chairs starting at the back of the room through the front after the last panel ends. Chairs will be stored in Tribe Track room across the hall. Leave about 30 chairs in the room, stacked in a corner.

Wall Decorations – Lead: Serenity
They will take the wall decorations into the room and hook them up through the drop ceiling. Tall people would be ideal.

Greeters/Crowd Control –
We are looking for a couple of people to work the entrance line into the door (Greeter/Crowd Control). Someone in costume would be ideal, but not necessary. Could work in shifts. Need pleasant, outgoing personality.

Teachers –
We are looking for people who know how to play Mah Jong and Texas Hold Em (and possibly Chinese Checkers) and would be willing to mingle through the tables periodically to teach.

Clean Up Crew – Lead: Cary
Anyone left when the party is over would be appreciated.

Please use the sign up email address on our website to let us know what you would like to do! As always, thank you so much for all of the support that we've seen from the Browncoat community. This is going to be a great con!




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2005 August