
Firefly Traveller Housekeeping
Friday, February 6, 2004

Well, it’s been a few days since I started this and I guess it’s time to make a couple of observations and suggestions on the project. The reason I started this as a blog instead of a discussion thread is because I knew my postings would be on the longer side, and they didn’t really seem suited to the discussion board format. A lot of the issues that I am addressing have already been brought up in the discussion threads (more than once I imagine, as I am a rather newcomer here myself). I wanted to focus this project on what it would take to run a Traveller game using Firefly as a setting rather than just a general discussion.

I’m glad people have been reading and making comments, but I’m not sure how to best facilitate conversation here. I’ve realized that blogs don’t get bumped when people make comments. That means there is no way to know if anyone has responded. Initially I responded to comments with my own comments, but I’m not sure if people have any way of knowing when people respond on the blog pages. My next thought was to just respond to things people commented on in my next post, but then that could get confusing as blog entries drop off the top 5 and get harder to find.

My current thought is to start a discussion thread named Firefly Traveller with links to the blog entries and have the conversations there. That way people will know when there has been a response to a comment. This would also be a way to access older blog entries (through the links in the discussion thread) without having to hunt through all of the blog titles. Of course that means going back and forth between the blog and the discussion thread, but I think it’s worth the effort (I guess we’ll see if people agree if the thread stays alive).



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