
James "Scotty" Doohan Memorial 7/21/05 Seattle Sci-Fi Museum
Friday, July 22, 2005

Wednesday July 20, 2005 was indeed a sad day when the actor who played the grandfather of all engineers (I wonder if Jewel ever got to meet him...) passed away and I shed more than one tear reading the news and some of the posts on numerous websites. Posted myself a couple and husband and myself watched "Trouble with Tribbles" and had a toast with the last of our 21 year old Scotch.

The next morning there was an article in the Seattle Times that the Science-Fiction Museum would hold a wake this evening to celebrate the live of James Doohan and I was quite intrigued to go there. I have never been to any convention whatsoever and despite living in the Seattle area like Jimmy our paths never crossed:-(

It was a gathering of 200+ people from all walks of life. The museum had to organize more chairs as they did not expect so many people to show up on such short notice, surprisingly little do they know about the power of fandom. It was amazing, they had put together photos, Star Trek clips and a bag pipe player in black tartan who of course did "Amazing Grace". Reminded me of the scenes at the end of "Heart of Gold" , "The message" and "Star Trek II", so more tears could freely flow...

Then many shared stories about Jimmy and I happened to sit next to a man who served on the naval carrier "Enterprise" and met Doohan there at a luncheon. He was very impressed with the way Jimmy interacted with everyone and how he had a kind word for each one of them. I guess there is another parallel between James Doohan and Jewel Staite

After the story time they showed "Trouble with Tribbles" and I drove home in the sunset over beautiful Western Washington, the place that I am lucky enough to call my home now just like Jimmy did for many years.



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