
Comics: An Epiphany?
Monday, July 18, 2005

After using this site for like a year I finally decided that it was time I got an account as well. I finally got the first Serenity comic. I was really disappointed when Newbury Comics didn't carry it, or many other comics actually. But today as I was driving with my family through Worcester I saw a comic book shop. I flailed my arms and demanded that we stop. There wasn't any Serenities left on the shelf so I asked the cashier. Luckily he had one at the desk. He said the comic brought a bunch of people to buy it and that a lot of the regulars were Firefly fans. He had seen the preview and thought that it looked good and mentioned having to listen to everyone moan and complain when it was cancelled. Lol, this conversation was truely moving, it was the first real life conversation I've had with a Firefly fan. I am marking this day on my calender.
I thought the comic shop was really cool. I wanted to look around at the other comics and pick up a few, but my family was waiting for me. Oh well, some other time I guess. I definitely want to go back, I've been looking for a new hobby. Being a fairly artsy person I've always loved the style of comic books. I think that should be my summer goal. To learn to draw the human form better so I can do a comic. I've tried a few times before, but maybe reading and researching more into comic books will give me more inspiration. Now I just need to find some good comics worth reading. I could spend all day looking around in that shop! At least they're cheap, so I could buy a few a week without spending much. (Bless summer hours that give me BIG paychecks, but curse my evil..disgusting job!)


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 5:26 AM


Tnanks! I'll definitely try Crimson, I love vampires. I'll look into the other ones too.

Monday, July 18, 2005 7:42 PM


A comic that's really worth reading is a short series called "Crimson." It's about a boy who is turned into a vampire so he can save the world. Actually, it's pretty old (it came out around '98 or '99), but it's my absolute fave. Anything Humberto Ramos does is gold (Impulse, Out There, Peter Parker:Spider-Man #44-47, just to name a few...)

I found Serenity #1 the other day myself. Lovin' it. I'm gonna get every issue from now till the BDM.


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2005 July