For those that might be interested (or, like me, have some time to kill) ...
Thursday, April 28, 2005

It recently occurred to be that very few (if any) people on this board no thing one about me. And while I'm not much on giving out personal info on the web, I feel safe in relaying some info to you fine folks ... if you're interested.

I'm 25. I'm married to perhaps the most perfect person currently flesh-and-bone alive on this planet. She's almost as big a Firefly fan as me and is pregnant with our first child (approximately two months to go and counting). I'm a native of and currently reside in far western Kentucky. Perpetuating the stereotype, I didn't have cable consistently until I was 17. I had shoes, though!

Partially perpetuating the stereotype, I do enjoy some of the Blue Collar Comedy guys, but I've grown extremely tired of hearing people constantly saying "Git er done" - and these people don't seem to ever get tired of it. "Git er done! Git er done! Git er done!" *SLAP*

I'm in a bit of a professional quandry at the moment - working at a pretty good job that gives me little satisfaction, waiting to hear about a fantastic job that I think would give me great joy for a long time.

I'm a bit of a sports nut. Go Cardinals (MLB), Cowboys (NFL), Predators (NHL), Wildcats and Racers (NCAA - Wildcats of UK; Racers is Murray State, my alma mater).

I'm addicted to Lost, Boston Legal (ABC can bite me for the hiatus until next season, BTW), and I'm developing an addiction for Alias. I've been told I need to watch the previous seasons, none of which I've seen any of. I also occasionally enjoy (don't laugh ... too hard) Desperate Housewives. I utterly detest anything that has spawned courtesy of the "reality TV" movement ... except, oddly enough, for Viva la Bam. That show, however, is in the process of jumping the shark.

I'm not really a fan of the phrase "jump the shark." I think people overuse it and use it wrong most of the time.

I miss my 1962 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight, but I love my 2001 Dodge Dakota (it's black ).

As I write this, I'm in an intense battle with my sinuses. That time of year.

And, though it should go without saying, I simply cannot describe the level of can't-wait-to-see-itedness I have for Serenity. Great trailer - needed to be about two hours longer.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 2:41 PM


I'm with you on the "Git 'er done" thing! That's like the motto at my job. When things are so crazy that i'm about to scream all my boss says is "git er done" and i want to smack him. Course i don't cause i love my job even during the craziness.

Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:06 AM


Congrats on your impending fatherhood. I have been addicted to Alias for sometime now, though my schedule prevents me from watching current seasons. You have to invest in Season 1 and 2. They are both fabulous. I haven't bought 3 yet, I'm saving up for it.

Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:25 AM


Really? Where? If you don't mind me asking ...

Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:08 AM


Thank you Steve, good to know you...I'm from Kentucky as well. Well, originally, that is...


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