
Script progress
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Finally I had no freelance work this last weekend gone and I was able to dedicate some time to working on the Script.

It went pretty smoothly. First draft for the Teaser is done and I'm reasonably happy with it. Of course my two friends/co-writers have to give it the thumbs up, but it felt good to achieve something after such a long time away from it.

I think I've mangaed to address the main points of the show, humour, drama, and mystery. I'm not saying it's perfect and there is maybe a better way to express the ideas but as a start it's adequate. Hopefully the others may add some goldust to it. Who knows.

I started the first act last night too and I think it's ok. I'm going to try and write a scene a night and see how I progress - trouble is though, being so inexperienced as a writer tapping into the mojo just like that isn't easy, so often I end up pacing the room... and drinking lots of tea!

Still we're on our way again.

We've set ourselves a deadline of september as the date to submit to the BBC. I think you have to have a deadline otherwise it'll never be completed.

(I guess I write these blogs to leave some sort of diary for the project. Never know it may prove interesting in the future?!?!)

Ok all for now.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 7:03 AM


Howdy Sumn!

Yepper, keep us posted!


Saturday, May 1, 2010 11:12 AM


Good luck & keep at it!


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