
Hurray! No more essays!
Monday, April 11, 2005

I'm officially done writing essays for the semester. Where's that beer icon when you need it?

I wrote, believe it or not, a total of 13 essays this semester. 5 were under 750 words but 3 were 2000 words or over. I usually don't have a hard time with writing but this last one kicked my pee-goo . Compare and contrast these two boring philosophers who are so long-winded you fall asleep trying to read their stuff. I didn't even finish one of the books (but don't tell my prof. that. ). Anyone heard of Levinas or Irigaray? If you haven't, be glad. I spent all weekend banging my head against my desk trying to come up with something half decent. And here's the kicker: this essay's worth 50% of my total grade.

But I'm done writing, so I'm happy. I can sorta slack off until I have to write my history final on April 22nd. Ah, the irony. Too bad Serenity got pushed back. I totally would have gone straight from my exam to the theatre.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 2:52 AM


And to celebrate: Write an essay in the flylog! Just kidding. Glad you got through it!

Monday, April 11, 2005 5:22 PM


You lookin for this


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