
ImEarly climbs the stairs... early.
Sunday, April 10, 2005

I don't do normal, so here are the rules.

# 1: That which is voted the most, is what I will write next.

# II: Don't bother correcting the grammar and spelling mistakes that I will make.

# C: If you read it, vote.

# #: As long as you are willing to vote, I will be willing to write.

Remember, humor is always a bonus.


ImEarly decided that oxygen was his friend and paddled across the stream. He grabbed the edge and pulled himself onto his stomach, and then climbed to his feet. He then swiftly made for the stairs. He looked up the stairs and could see that it wasn’t a straight ascension, but it actually twisted gently to the left. He reached for one of the torches attached to the wall and pulled.

The thing wouldn’t move, he tugged harder and it still wouldn’t budge, it was firmly attached to the wall. He looked closer to see why it wouldn’t move when he noticed something very peculiar, the flame that rose from the wooden post was not flame, it was a piece of transparent paper and the flame was actually a bulb tucked inside a plastic base that was colored and textured like wood. He’d seen these ridicules things for sale at the mall. What was it doing in a cave? Was it a real cave?

ImEarly gave up and headed cautiously up the dark stairs. Every step echoed back a tale of misfortune, every breath he took shuttered violently, his apprehension begin to build.

The light from the well lit cave waned and finally disappeared. He was alone and at the mercy of the dark stairs. There was nothing to see and in this dark hour his desperation reached new bounds. The endless night was absolute, but he was intent on finding the mystery that must exist beyond the mysterious veil.

Before all of his hopes had faltered, the path straightened and he saw a small wavering light before him. He climbed faster and faster still, hoping to find a way home. All too soon the light failed and he found himself in the dark again. He continued relentlessly into the oblivion, and as he sauntered his foot landed upon something strange. He knelt down to pick it from off the stair and found it to be a matchbook.

The sharp edges of its paper hide were nearly cumbersome. With shaking hands he pulled open the fold and felt inside. His anxiety heightened for there was but one match. He whispered a prayer and hoped that its light would illuminate the path before him. He tried to light the match and after three tries he found the mark and struck the match. Above, and below he could see the silhouette of the stairs, and just as his fear began to recede the match burned his finger. Instinctively he shook away the pain and as he looked upon his aching digit he could have rend the flesh from its bone, for by my lack of discretion he shook away the light. ImEarly reared back his head and inhaled deep, his arms were spread and he prepared for a mighty bellow. Before he could be released of his pain, he saw another light further up the stairs.

Dropping the matchbook, his pain forgotten he made his way again. As he approached the light, it grew in intensity. Like a spotlight it shuttered back and forth, highlighting one side of the path, and then another.

It looked like someone was holding it.

“Hey, you there, can you help me?”
No answer came from above.

“I know you can hear me, I know you are there!” Still no answer.

ImEarly continued to scream at the strange individual far above him. He raced forward faster then ever, when suddenly the light went out. The clamoring of steps could be heard running away form him.

Out of breath and patience, ImEarly came to a landing, he walked forward slowly, cautious of what may be lurking ahead. He took a few more steps into the enchanting void and almost tripped on a protracted piece of metal on the floor, he knelt to pick it off the icy landing and found it to be a flashlight. A faint smile eclipsed his face at this newly found scepter of hope. His anticipation grew without bounds and his hands began to shake. He had to grasp it with all his strength or else he may have dropped the rod. With a blind fumble, he slid the switch on. The beam of light threw back the night, and melted the stairway behind him to shadows.

He looked before him and found that the landing split into two different directions. He pointed the beam down the right tunnel and could see that the tunnel ascended and widened steadily. The feint sound of rushing water could be heard. He pointed the beam down the left path and something scurried swiftly out of the beams light. It had to be the one who held the light earlier. Suddenly from the left tunnel, a projectile slammed into his head. ImEarly fell to the ground and flailed about in pain. Ears ringing from the impact, ImEarly struggled to find what hit him so hard.

It was a large stone.

Suddenly from the stairs behind him a muffled sound emerged. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t make out the sounds. The noise grew and sounded violent. It seemed to be coming toward him, fast.

ImEarly knew that the noise had to be bad news, so he turned and ran toward the fork in the tunnel. The flashlight slipped from his hand and fell violently to the ground, it’s light extinguished. He continued to run.

To be continued April 14th...

ImEarly takes the right path and heads toward the rushing water.

ImEarly takes the left path to find out why he was attacked, and to take some revenge.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:53 AM


If this were Moria I would of course say, "head for the upper galleries and don’t look back” a.k.a. go to the right – but this ain’t Moria, so I say, it’s time for a little payback – go left and make sure you hang on to the flash light and then club the stone-thrower over the head with it . . .

Monday, April 11, 2005 5:35 AM


The good adventurer ALWAYS turns left. Always.

Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:44 PM


Turn around, then go right!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:14 PM


Vengence. It's not just for breakfast anymore. and grab that flashlight, it still makes a nice weapon. Go left.

Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:02 PM


Go left!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:22 PM


Well, take your time with your adventures, but once you find your way out of the cave complex, stumble your way down to the stream that exits from the cave and collapse there in the snow, so that we of the Sereni-Tree can find you!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 5:33 PM


Not that left, the other left!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 4:48 PM


Go Left. Go Left!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:40 PM




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