
School Sucks
Wednesday, February 2, 2005

It's only the second week of school and already I'm ready for a meltdown. Normally, I'm not so melodramatic--well, okay, maybe I am--but the next paper I have to write sucks. I have to find some local government policy and find out about it's origins, ramifications, yada, yada, yada. Sounds easy enough. Right. I've been on this computer for two hours searching for an appropriate policy and I've come up with nothing. Everything I've found is either too trivial or has nothing to do with social work. Urg! Anyway, I'm done venting. I would give my left ovary to go home and take a nap.


Friday, February 11, 2005 4:40 AM


i must i agree with you.
all this schoolwork is getting me behind on all the fanfic i have to write and read!!! that, and my crappy internet connection (we didn't know that 200mb was such small amount!!!).
anyway, we were apparently supposed to learn about WWII last year, but i had a stupid teacher so i have no idea what's happening in class half the time!!!!
god, i wish the term would just end already!! two week terms, i aught to recommend that to my state government!!


Thursday, February 3, 2005 3:35 AM


School doesn't suck. Never say that to a teacher. The essay topic sucks, but we all get topics we don't like. So it's time to suck up and get the work done. Do the work. Pass the Class. Keep flying.

Thursday, February 3, 2005 3:15 AM


I know it's annoying, but try making phone calls. If you call the right person and ask the right questions, it can take you half the time of an internet search.

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 7:40 PM


Don't give up your ovary, think of your eggs! You might miss them. :}

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 2:45 PM


I'm right there with ya. Usually I freak out about halfway through, but my writting class this semester is promising to run me ragged. The main topic for the next 3 1/2 months is the Vietnam war and I'm going through college on active duty as part of an officer program. Needless to say, all I want to do is stay out of the crossfire, and try not to be misinterpreted when I do say something.


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