
Great Joy and Sadness
Sunday, December 5, 2004

Ken Jennings lost on his 75th Apperence. :( It makes me sad since I have only missed 5 Jepardys since Ken was on and now have no desire to watch. Jennings had brought something to the show it was lacking.
That is my great sadness for this month, hopefully there will be no more.
Finals are over now and I can live like a human being again. No more studying until 2:00 only to wake up at 4:30 to study more. No more begging people to proof read my english paper and getting my direct quote changed (it's a pet peeve of mine) but there is no more mud this year either, The sweet (Alright it's stinky) smell of clay pulled from a plastic bag. I guess my laundry bill will go down though. It's time to wake up and not just go through the movements. Happy Holidays to all and to all Sit tight Firefly is on it's way! Joss should send us loyals a clip or something to get us through the new year.


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 8:50 AM


Congrats on making it through! you didn't get an eye twitch like chosen did you?

Monday, December 6, 2004 8:59 AM


Hey FJ,
Glad to see your finals are over. Mine have just begun. Ugh! I think I'm developing some sort of eye twitch and I haven't watched any FF in a while. Does that seem right to you? Me neither.


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