
Tiny Perfect Moments
Friday, January 9, 2004

Yesterday I was thinking about the difference between great lines of dialogue and lines that just pop out because the actor got it so right. These perfect little moments happen so often in Firefly that I really, really can't choose favourites.

But I had fun trying! Like this:

Mal first meets Kaylee and she's pointing underneath the engine and she says, "I'm pointing right at it."

River says to Book, after the hair-scare, "Just keep on walking, Preacher-Man."

Book says about his "natty" friend, "...he was so proud of it."

Jayne reads aloud the letter from his mother. Never mind the hat. Okay, the hat-business is fabulous. But I really love the letter-reading.

Inara elbows Mal out of the way and says, "You never could fly this thing."

Mal asks Simon if his ear will be okay, and Simon says, "Just don't...fiddle with it."

Wash says, "We are a peaceful race, and we must learn to live in harmony..." Hahaha. I love Wash. Happy sigh.

Zoe says about Serenity, "...when we get her running? running now." And then, "Uh-huh."

There are too many perfect Mal moments. I can't choose. He never misses. He's just a joy to watch. When he gets laughing, I laugh out loud. And when he's moved, my heart turns over.


Sunday, January 11, 2004 4:40 AM


"Whoa...good bible."

"Whoa...good myth."

Lends itself to all manner of normal speech -

"Whoa...good brownie."

Friday, January 9, 2004 8:08 PM


A few good ones:

Wash's dino playing in the pilot
"curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" he delivers the whole scene so well

River when she is tearing pages out of the bible
"noah's ark is a problem"

there are just too many to list


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2004 January